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Join Us

So why should you join?


            By becoming a member, you help keep history alive. There are several events held that allow members to teach history, through our hobby. In 2023 events were held on the US Lane Victory: “Spirit of 45”, celebration. There is also the Veterans Day celebration at the Patton Museum at Chiriaco Summit in CA. There are so many opportunities for the members to help.

Meeting new players:

Gamers tend to hang out within groups. Although this is fine. These groups tend to start defining you. In general people tend to get into the same games, play the same rules, and the same time periods. By joining HMGS-PSW, you gain access to other players. Who may have other miniatures and games to offer. They also bring diversity into your knowledge base. Maybe you have had that feeling that you would like to try a different time, period? If your group of friends do not have the miniatures, how likely are you to give it a try? So, diversity is truly a treasure.

There are several ways to gain access to other members’ knowledge. There is an Email group, Discord server, Facebook, and Instagram group. Sharing ideas on rules, painting, best miniatures, etc.  

Conventions and vendor discounts:

Miniwars: This is an annual HMGS-PSW held in October, in California. Miniwars, is a great place to meet and play against, new gamers. Held in fall and spring, these conventions bring together many Southern Californian players. With some members from the member states attending, it also.

Sandwars: This is a currently an annual convention, held in the Phoenix area of Arizona. It draws a large group of local gamers, but also draws in member of other states.

Other convention holder discounts: You can get discounts on other convention holder events. Strategicon, offer HMGS-PSW members a discount on admission (pre-registration only), for their events.

Vendors: some vendors offer HMGS members discounts. It does not hurt to ask.

How do I Join?

Membership in the HMGS-PSW costs $20 per year. There are several ways to pay for this membership and there are links below.  
1.) Print out the application form, fill it out and mail it with a check to our CEO.
2.) Join via PayPal
3.) Make a PayPal Donation

Application Form
Here is a Link to our 2023 Membership Application Form. It would be helpful to mail this to the Treasurer even if you pay your dues online.

Join Via PayPal, Debit or Credit Card

Make a PayPal Donation